Featured Brand: OCA Plant Based Energy Drink
OCA is Transforming Clean Energy Drinks in Retail
We are as we are made; straight from the Amazon rainforest, we bring you OCA, a plant based organic energy drink powered by tapioca, an extract of the cassava root, that gives you a long-lasting boost without the crash, jitters and burn. The cassava root, is a powerful and natural source of energy originally from the Amazonian rainforest.
OCA is organic, vegan, gluten free, low in sugar and naturally caffeinated to provide the energy boost the way nature intended. OCA is available in a 12oz slim can and comes in three delicious and exotic flavors —Mango, Berry-Acai and Guava-Passionfruit.
Enjoy an OCA for that good kind of energy you need the way nature intended.
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