Featured Brand: Beauty Cocktail®
Beauty Gourmet launches new Beauty Booze™ platform
Introducing Beauty Cocktail®…
Beauty Cocktail® is a cocktail inspired boozy seltzer designed to be smooth and delicious from the first sip to the last. It is made with electrolytes, astragalus, goji berry, camu camu and acerola.
The truth is that all alcohol beverages are bad for you and your skin. Low sugar, low ABV, “better for you” alcohol is booming suggesting that people do want to make the best decision they can when they drink. Of course, if someone wants to be healthy, they should have a kale smoothie but if they are going to drink anyway, we believe a Beauty Cocktail® is the perfect choice.
BeauTea Cocktail™...
Look for our distilled spirit BeauTea Cocktail™ in early 2022 as part of our Beauty Booze™ platform brand, multi-channel strategy.
Join Us…
We have our own manufacturing facility with brewery, DSP and winery licenses giving us a substantial competitive advantage and have just started raising our seed round.
Distributor, retailer, and investor interested parties, please contact kris@beautygourmet.com.
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